Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Welcome to meatless musings! The goal of this blog is to review various types of 'meat substitutes' (otherwise known as meat analogues, meat substitutes, imitation meat, faux-meat, etc)- from morningstar veggie burgers to tofurkey. Why should you trust my opinion? Because I'm not a vegetarian/vegan! Just an orthorexic with a penchant for wheat gluten fajitas. Besides, we all know if i fed those hippie nut-jobs my left prosthetic testicle they'd swear it was a meatball. But thanks to my occasional carnivorous ways, I know what meat is supposed to taste like! So look forward to critical but balanced reviews of meatless options-- and remember, just say no if it ain't faux , don't take if it ain't fake, you'll become a chub if it ain't meat sub, and soy is love.


Soy Boy


mlu2102 said...

i'm not sure i trust your opinion...the wheat gluten fajitas tasted like soil.

kpb said...
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kpb said...

Dear Soy Boy

I would appreciate it if you would please profile Gardenburger Riblets. I have a sick addiction to them, but I am not sure if I have just partaken of a wee bit too much crack.

I eagerly await your valued and most trusted opinions.

Yr obt svt,
K. Malladi

annie said...

you're a meat lover. dont deny it :)